Order Transfer

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Order Transfer is for people who paid the non-refundable deposit but get a chance to transfer the deposit to another.

  • Transfer order  to another must meet the following requirements:
  • The order is a pre-sale product.
  • The order is placed on our website and placed in 6 months before now.
  • The order didn't be transferred before. (all the pre-sale orders only can be transferred one time)

Join our Facebook group: "Weareanimecollectors trade" to post/find order transfers.

How to apply for a transfer?


1. The order owner downloads the file. Fill in all information we needed in the file.

2. Send the completed file to our email 

3. we will look into the application and send the email to the order taker.

4. Order taker will pay the transfer fee of $29.9 and the same amount of deposit that the order owner paid.

5. We will cancel the previous order and fully refund the deposit back(Insurance will automatically refund as well). 

6. Order Transferred



  • We have no responsibility for any scam behaviour that happened in the process of order trade out of our platform. (Order taker should confirm the order first through us)
  • We will not change the deposit value of the statute of the order. we have no responsibility for private price changes between order owner and order taker. Please take care of private transactions  
  • Once the order is transferred, the order will no longer belong to the previous owner. The order taker will pay for the rest payments.